x as y

Sleeping as problem solving. 

Tweeting as problem solving. 

Eating as problem solving. 

Fucking as problem solving. 

Megan Ross and Milk Fever Poems

I am beyond excited that Megan Ross asked me to design the front cover of her debut collection of poetry which explores unexpected motherhood and all its emotional detritus. It's a gorgeous collection: tender, raw, and honest. I loved reading and re-reading it. Go to Uhlanga Press to find out more and get her book here


Book cover collage designed by Leora Joy Jones


Air so thick with imminent rain you could cut it, like slicing those slabs of brown sugar steamed sponge cake, wrapped in wax paper, sold from small blue vans parked on the side of the road. 

Versify | YOLO Lab, Taipei | 2017

Taipei Poetry Collective hosted our very first event, curated to feature 15 of Taiwan’s freshest poets—

• take home our limited edition zine, gratis
• satisfy your tastebuds with a spread by Badohyao 八豆腰, also gratis
• wash down the word porn with carefully selected libations
• boogie your way through all those feels

Arrive early and stay late to indulge yourself in soundscapes outside the written word, featuring DJ Anti Hero

•••Admission of $300 includes a copy of limited edition zine & 1 free drink•••

Doors: 7:00p (come eat!) // Reading: 8:00p

This was our inaugural poetry reading. Sold-out/full-house/glowing heart. We also released a 54p publication featuring 17 poets’ original work to commemorate this event.